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You can request a stop payment through BHMFI Online®, by phone, or by visiting your local branch and speaking with a banker.

Simply sign on to BHMFI Online and access Manage Accounts through the Account tab.

To place stop payments for a check via phone please call 1-800-TO-BHMFI (1-800-215-0000). Please have the following information available when speaking to a banker: the Name of the Payee, Account Number, Paper item number or range of paper item numbers, Paper item date, and Amount of item.

More information about stopping payments

  • The stop payment will remain in effect for six months. To remove a stop payment, please call 1-800-TO-WELLS (11-800-215-0000) or visit a local branch.
  • There is a stop-payment fee. For fee information for your account, please refer to your Consumer Account Fee and Information Schedule or call us at 1-800-TO-BHMFI (1-800-215-0000).
  • There is no fee for placing stop payments on lost or stolen blank checks.
  • Placing a stop payment order does not release you from any contractual agreements. You may still be held to the terms of the agreement.
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